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Juilliard Admission Requirements

Hello, I'm a junior considering applying to Juilliard next year. Could someone please let me know what the admission requirements are for this prestigious arts school? I'm especially curious about auditions, test scores, and other factors. Thanks in advance!

10 months ago

Hello! It's exciting that you're considering applying to Juilliard for your education in the arts. Juilliard is indeed a prestigious institution, and its admission process is highly selective. Here's a breakdown of the admission requirements for the school:

1. Pre-Screening Materials: Before the audition process, you must submit pre-screening materials depending on your program of interest (such as video recordings, portfolios, or writing samples). The specific requirements can vary for each major. Check Juilliard's website to find details for your desired program.

2. Live Auditions: If you pass the pre-screening stage, you'll be invited for a live audition. The audition requirements are different for each program within the school (Dance, Drama, and Music). For example, if you're applying to the music program, you'll have to perform a specific repertoire based on your instrument, whereas in the Drama program, you'll need to prepare monologues and participate in various exercises.

3. Academic Records: Juilliard requires that you submit your official high school transcript or proof of completion of a GED program. They review your academic performance to assess your ability to handle the rigorous academic coursework within your chosen program.

4. Standardized Test Scores: Though SAT or ACT scores are not required for US and international applicants, they're still recommended. If English isn't your first language and you haven't had at least three years of study at an English-speaking school, you'll need to provide proof of English proficiency through the TOEFL or IELTS exam.

5. Letters of Recommendation: Two letters of recommendation, ideally from individuals who can speak to your artistic abilities and potential, are required. Additional letters addressing your academic abilities are also welcomed.

6. Essays & Personal Statements: Juilliard requires that you submit answers to several short prompts and write an essay discussing your personal, artistic, and academic background.

7. Application Fee: There is a non-refundable application fee of $110. Fee waivers are available for eligible applicants who demonstrate financial need.

Remember that the admission process at Juilliard is highly competitive, and they focus heavily on artistic ability and potential. Spend time working on your portfolio, perfecting your audition pieces, and engaging with teachers or mentors who can provide guidance. Best of luck with your application!

10 months ago

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