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Requirements for University of Michigan Ann Arbor?

Hello! I'm currently a junior and I have my eyes set on the University of Michigan Ann Arbor. I'd like to know more about their requirements for admission, like GPA, test scores, and recommendations. Any insight would be very helpful, thanks!

9 months ago

Hello! It's great that you're looking into the University of Michigan Ann Arbor. I'll provide some insight into what requirements they have for prospective students:

1. GPA: The average GPA of admitted students at the University of Michigan is around 3.9. While there's no strict minimum, a competitive GPA demonstrates your strong academic performance compared to other applicants.

2. Test Scores: For the University of Michigan, standardized test scores are optional for the 2024-2025 application cycle, but submitting them can still strengthen your application. If you choose to submit your SAT or ACT score, aim for a score in the 75th percentile of admitted students or higher. For the SAT, this would be around 1530, and for the ACT, it would be around a 33. If you're unsure whether you should submit a test score, you can find detailed guidance on how to navigate test-optional policies on CollegeVine's blog:

3. Recommendations: The University of Michigan requires two letters of recommendation from teachers who have taught you in core academic subjects (e.g., English, math, science, social studies, or foreign language). It's essential to choose teachers who know you well and can highlight your academic strengths, intellectual curiosity, and character. In addition to the teacher recommendations, the university also requires a School Report, which is typically completed by your high school counselor and provides University of Michigan with general, contextualizing information about your high school.

4. Extracurriculars: While there's no specific number of extracurricular activities required, remember that competitive applicants typically have a mix of activities that demonstrate their leadership, commitment, and passion. Aim for a balance between depth (high involvement in a few key activities) and breadth (participation in various interests).

5. Essays: The University of Michigan requires applicants to complete several short-answer prompts in addition to their Common App or Coalition App essay. Make sure to convey your genuine interest in the university and how you will contribute to their community. Be specific when discussing programs, resources, or opportunities that attract you to the school. You can read detailed guidance on how to tackle University of Michigan's essays:

Best of luck with your application - I hope you find this breakdown helpful!

9 months ago

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