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Ithaca Admissions: What can I expect?

Hey everyone! I'm super interested in applying to Ithaca College next year. What should I know about their admissions process and what they are looking for in students? Any tips or advice are totally welcome! Thanks y'all!

3 months ago

Hello! It's exciting that you're considering Ithaca College! Ithaca is known for its strong programs in communications, music, theater, and health sciences, among others. When it comes to admissions, they utilize a holistic approach, which means they consider various aspects of your application, such as your academic record, extracurricular activities, and personal essays. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you prepare your application:

1. Academics: Ithaca values applicants who have challenged themselves academically throughout high school. This means they'll be looking at your GPA, the rigor of your course load, and improvements in your performance. Consider taking challenging courses like honors, AP, or IB classes if they're available at your school.

2. Extracurricular activities: Ithaca is interested in well-rounded students with extracurricular pursuits that demonstrate commitment, leadership, and impact. Try to invest time and energy in a few core activities that genuinely interest you and focus on excelling in them. For example, you might take on leadership positions, work on projects, or make a positive impact on your community through volunteering or other initiatives.

3. Essays: Ithaca requires a personal essay as part of the application. This is your chance to showcase your unique voice, share stories about your life and achievements, and demonstrate how you'll contribute to the campus community. Make sure to carefully address the essay prompt, proofread your work, and seek feedback from others to improve your writing.

4. Letters of recommendation: Ithaca typically requires two letters of recommendation - one from a counselor and one from a teacher. Be sure to choose recommenders who know you well and can speak to your academic abilities, character, and passions. Give them enough time to write a thoughtful and detailed recommendation, and make sure to express your gratitude for their help.

5. Test scores: While Ithaca is currently test-optional, meaning you can choose not to submit SAT or ACT scores, they can still be considered if you feel they will strengthen your application. If you decide to submit your scores, research Ithaca's average admitted student scores so you'll have a better idea of where you stand.

6. Demonstrated interest: Ithaca takes demonstrated interest into account, so make sure to visit the campus (if possible), attend college fairs, connect with your admissions counselor, and participate in local or virtual events. Additionally, you can mention specific aspects of the college that appeal to you in your essay or interviews.

In summary, focus on your academics, extracurricular involvement, essay, and letters of recommendation. Also, don't forget to demonstrate your interest in Ithaca College and how you would contribute to their campus community. Best of luck with your application!

3 months ago

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