What are your chances of acceptance?
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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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ASU Acceptance Rate

Can anyone tell me what the current acceptance rate at Arizona State University is? I've searched online, but I'd like to hear from some actual students if possible.

7 months ago

Arizona State University (ASU) is known for being a large public university with multiple campuses and a relatively high acceptance rate compared to other universities. As of the most recent data available (2024), the current acceptance rate at ASU hovers around 90%. Keep in mind that this number can fluctuate slightly from year to year based on factors like the number of applicants and the academic profile of the incoming class.

It's important to remember that while acceptance rate provides a general idea of a school's selectivity, your chances of admission will depend on various factors, such as your GPA, test scores, extracurriculars, and personal statement. Make sure to focus on showcasing your unique strengths and experiences in your application to stand out. Good luck!

7 months ago

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