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Minimum GPA for Cal State schools?

Hello! I'm interested in applying to some Cal State schools, but I'm not sure if my GPA meets their minimum requirements. Does anyone know what the minimum GPA is for admission? Also, do different campuses within the system have different GPA requirements? Thanks!

9 months ago

The minimum GPA requirement for admission to a California State University (Cal State) campus is a 2.5 for in-state applicants and a 3.0 for out-of-state applicants. However, this minimum GPA doesn't guarantee admission, as many campuses are more selective than the system-wide minimum.

Cal State universities use an eligibility index to determine if a student meets the minimum requirements for admission. This index combines your GPA with other factors, such as your coursework. Each campus may set its own eligibility index cutoff based on local demand and available resources. Therefore, different campuses may have different requirements, and some may admit students with a lower GPA if they meet other criteria.

It's important to research the specific requirements and average admitted student profiles for each Cal State campus you're interested in, as they can vary. Keep in mind that more competitive campuses may have higher average GPAs for admitted students, while less competitive campuses might admit students with GPAs closer to the minimum requirement. Additionally, while standardized test scores are not considered in the Cal State admissions process, having strong extracurriculars, leadership roles, and other achievements can also help in the admissions process.

Best of luck with your applications!

9 months ago

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