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How much time should I expect to spend taking the ACT?

Hi everyone! I'm planning to take the ACT soon and I want to have a sense of how long the entire test will take, including any breaks or administrative stuff. Any insights from those who have taken the ACT already would be really helpful!

8 months ago

Hello! Taking the ACT can be quite a lengthy process, so it's great that you're considering the time commitment. The ACT itself is divided into four multiple-choice sections (English, Math, Reading, and Science) and an optional Writing section. Here's the breakdown of time for each section:

1. English: 45 minutes

2. Math: 60 minutes

3. Reading: 35 minutes

4. Science: 35 minutes

5. Writing (optional): 40 minutes

In addition to the sections, there are a couple of breaks included during the test. You'll get a 10-minute break after the Math section, and if you're taking the Writing portion, there is a 5-minute break after the Science section.

Before the test begins, some administrative tasks need to be completed, such as checking your ID, providing instructions, and distributing materials. This can take approximately 30 minutes. So the total test time (excluding the Writing section) would be around 3 hours and 30 minutes, and with the Writing section, it would be around 4 hours and 10 minutes. However, keep in mind this might vary slightly depending on the speed at which test proctors carry out their administrative duties.

As you prepare for the ACT, make sure to practice not only the content but also the timing so you feel equipped to tackle the test efficiently. Good luck!

8 months ago

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