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Stony Brook SAT expectations

Hey everyone, I'm thinking about applying to Stony Brook University. Can someone tell me their SAT score requirements or what range I should aim for? Thanks in advance!

9 months ago

Of course! While Stony Brook University doesn't have a strict cutoff for SAT scores, it's important to aim for a competitive score in order to increase your chances of admission. Based on the latest data, the middle 50% range for SAT scores for admitted students at Stony Brook is around 1330-1470 out of 1600. This means that 25% of admitted students scored below 1330, and 25% scored above 1470.

It's beneficial to aim for a score within or above this middle 50% range, as it will put you in a stronger position among applicants. Keep in mind that Stony Brook also takes into account various factors, such as your academic performance in high school, extracurricular involvement, and other achievements, when reviewing your application. So, while a higher SAT score can help, it's not the only factor that plays a role in the admissions process.

Good luck on your SAT preparation, and I hope you find this information helpful in your college application journey!

9 months ago

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