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Is it okay to use contractions in a college essay?

Hey guys, I'm working on my essay and I've noticed that I've used quite a few contractions. I think it makes the essay sound more conversational and genuine, but I'm worried it might come off as too informal. Should I avoid using contractions or is it okay to keep them in?

a year ago

Hi there! Your concern about using contractions in your college essay is valid, as striking the right balance between conversational and formal can be tricky. Contractions can make your essay sound more genuine and like your natural voice, which is a plus.

However, it's important to use them judiciously. If you find that your essay is overflowing with contractions, it might be a good idea to replace some of them with their full forms. On the other hand, if their usage is moderate and helps convey your thoughts more clearly, it should be fine to keep them.

Remember that the main goal of your essay is to showcase your unique voice and perspective. As long as the contractions don't become a distraction or make your essay sound too casual, they can be a useful tool in creating a more engaging and authentic narrative. Best of luck with your essay!

a year ago

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