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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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UTC Student Population?

Hello everyone! I'm researching the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (UTC), and I was wondering, what's the student population like there? How big is the campus community and is it easy to make friends? Any insights would be appreciated!

9 months ago

Hello! The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (UTC) is a mid-sized university with a total undergraduate enrollment of around 10,000 students. This size allows for a fairly close-knit community while still offering the resources and opportunities of a larger institution.

The campus itself covers about 134 acres and is located in the heart of downtown Chattanooga. With its urban setting, there is always something going on around the campus and city. Being situated in a city also allows students to explore local attractions, like parks, cultural events, and businesses, giving them ample opportunities to connect with fellow students and community members.

Many students at UTC find it easy to make friends and get involved, thanks to the variety of clubs, organizations, and activities available. The university has over 150 student-run clubs which cover a wide range of interests, including academic clubs, cultural organizations, and social groups.

Additionally, Greek life plays a role in the social scene at UTC, with various fraternity and sorority chapters on campus. While Greek life can contribute to the social experience, it's not the only way to meet new friends and make connections, so don't worry if joining a frat or sorority isn't for you - you can definitely build a network for yourself and socialize through other outlets.

From intramural sports to special events and guest speakers, there are plenty of opportunities to engage with the campus community. Residence halls and living-learning communities also promote social connections among students with similar interests or academic focuses. There are also Division 1 sports games that bring the whole school together.

Overall, the student population at UTC is generally welcoming and friendly, and new students can usually make friends and integrate into the campus community quite easily. By joining clubs, attending events, and engaging in activities that interest you, you'll likely find a group of peers with whom you can connect and build lasting friendships. Best of luck with your college search!

9 months ago

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