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Khan Academy ACT Practice Tests: Are they helpful?

Hey, so I'm starting to prep for the ACT and I've heard about Khan Academy's practice tests. Are they a good resource for ACT test prep? If you've used them, what was your experience like?

9 months ago

Hey there! Khan Academy is definitely a valuable resource for students preparing for standardized tests. While their partnership with the College Board has led to a stronger focus on SAT test prep, they do offer some ACT practice materials as well. However, it's important to note that the range of practice tests and resources available for the ACT on Khan Academy is somewhat limited compared to those for the SAT.

Many students have found using Khan Academy's resources to be beneficial for ACT test prep, but it's recommended to supplement this with other materials dedicated specifically to the ACT. For example, consider using the official ACT practice tests available on the ACT website or invest in an ACT prep book like The Official ACT Prep Guide. These resources are designed specifically for the ACT, which will better simulate the actual testing experience and ensure that you're working with content tailored to the test.

Good luck with your test prep!

9 months ago

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