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Do colleges use AI detectors to catch plagiarism in essays?

With technology getting more advanced, I'm a little worried about accidental plagiarism since I tend to discuss popular topics in my essays. Does anyone know if colleges are using AI detectors to find plagiarism in application essays? How can I make sure my essay stays original and free of any issues?

a year ago

Indeed, many colleges and institutions do use plagiarism-checking software to ensure the originality of submitted essays. Don't let this worry you if you're writing authentically about your experiences and thoughts.

To keep your essay original, I'd recommend the following tips:

1. Focus on your personal experiences, perspectives, and how the topic affected your growth. It's less likely for someone else to have had the same experiences as you.

2. Avoid cliches and overused phrases. Express your thoughts in your unique voice and style.

3. Mix multiple sources for inspiration rather than heavily relying on a single source.

4. Cite any source you use directly – quotes, statistics, or strong influences – in your essay.

Best of luck with your college application essays!

a year ago

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