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Thoughts on LSU's Marketing major?

Hey guys, I'm considering applying to LSU and majoring in Marketing. For those who have studied or are currently studying marketing at LSU, how's the program? Can you share some pros and cons? Are there any good internship or networking opportunities available? Thanks for any help!

8 months ago

Hey there! While I haven't personally studied marketing at LSU, I can provide some insights based on what I've heard from students and researched about the program.


1. E. J. Ourso College of Business, where the marketing major is housed, is accredited by the AACSB, ensuring that the program meets high academic standards.

2. The curriculum is diverse, allowing you to explore different facets of marketing like consumer behavior, marketing analytics, and digital marketing.

3. LSU Advertising Federation is an active student organization that offers networking events, guest speakers, and case competitions, allowing you to build connections and learn from industry professionals.

4. The college's Professional Sales Institute provides training in sales management, a specialized skill in the marketing field, which is a great opportunity for those interested in pursuing a sales career.

5. LSU's location in Baton Rouge means there are opportunities for internships and jobs within local and national companies.


1. Large class sizes in certain popular courses might make it difficult to receive individual attention from professors.

2. The program may not be as highly ranked as marketing programs at some other more prestigious universities, which might affect your job prospects in a highly competitive market.

Regarding internship and networking opportunities, Baton Rouge and nearby areas like New Orleans provide many chances to intern at marketing agencies, corporations, and nonprofit organizations. Attending career fairs, connecting with professors, and actively participating in student organizations can help increase your chances of securing internships and networking with professionals in the field.

In conclusion, LSU's marketing major has a lot to offer students interested in pursuing a career in marketing. Make sure to leverage the resources available and get involved in organizations and activities to maximize your college experience and pave a successful career path. Good luck with your decision!

8 months ago

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