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How much weight do colleges put on AP scores during admissions?

Hi everyone, I'm taking several AP courses and am wondering how much weight colleges put on AP scores when evaluating applicants. Should I prioritize getting good scores, or is it more important to focus on other areas of my application? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hello! It's great to see that you're challenging yourself with AP courses. Colleges typically put more weight on AP course rigor and the corresponding grades rather than the exam scores themselves. Of course, good AP scores can help support your application, but they're usually not as crucial as other factors like your GPA and extracurricular activities.

It's essential to strike a balance between these different aspects of your application. You should focus on maintaining strong grades in your AP courses, as a high GPA will have a more significant impact on your application. Additionally, give ample attention to extracurricular activities and personal essays, as they allow colleges to learn more about your interests and who you are as a person.

In summary, while AP scores do matter, they're not as critical as other components of your application. So keep a well-rounded approach. Good luck!

a year ago

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