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Is being involved in art an extracurricular activity?

Hey! I'm a junior and I spend hours every week creating art. Is art an extracurricular activity that I can include in my college applications? I'd appreciate any insight!

a year ago

Hi there! It absolutely is. Art can definitely be considered an extracurricular activity that you can include in your college applications. In fact, colleges love to see students who are passionate about expressing themselves through various art forms, as it shows initiative, creativity, and dedication.

If you only do art on your own, that will be more difficult to list on your application. It's important to try to "formalize" the activities you list with some organized group or competition.

Don't hesitate to showcase your art accomplishments, and if you've participated in any exhibitions or art competitions, be sure to mention that too. You can also include any art-related commitments like volunteering at an art nonprofit organization or being part of an art club at your school. All these experiences help paint a fuller picture (no pun intended) of your interests and dedication to the arts.

You may want to consider creating a portfolio as well to showcase your art pieces, particularly if you're planning on applying to art schools or would like to pursue a major related to visual arts. A strong portfolio can give you that extra edge you might need during the admissions process. Best of luck with your college journey, and keep creating amazing artwork!

a year ago

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