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Northeastern Financial Aid Process?

Hey everyone, I'm currently looking at Northeastern University and was wondering if anyone could tell me about their financial aid process? How do I apply and what factors are considered when they determine financial aid packages? Thanks so much!

9 months ago

Hey! Glad you're interested in Northeastern University. When it comes to their financial aid process, you'll need to take a couple of steps to ensure that you're considered for various types of aid. Here's a quick breakdown:

1. Complete the FAFSA: To be considered for federal, state, and Northeastern's institutional aid, you'll need to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as soon as possible after October 1st. Northeastern's school code is 002199. The FAFSA determines your eligibility for grants, loans, work-study, and, in some cases, scholarships.

2. Submit the CSS Profile: Northeastern also requires the CSS Profile, which provides a more detailed financial snapshot than the FAFSA. This document helps the school award institutional grants and scholarships. Submit the CSS Profile in conjunction with your FAFSA. Northeastern's CSS code is 3667.

Factors considered when determining your financial aid package include:

- Your family's financial capacity: This takes into account your family's income, assets, size, and any unusual expenses or circumstances. Both the FAFSA and CSS Profile will be crucial for assessing your family's financial situation.

- Your academic profile: Scholarships at Northeastern may also consider your high school GPA, test scores, and other academic achievements.

- Extracurricular involvement: Some scholarships might focus on your leadership roles, community service, or other meaningful non-academic pursuits.

- Special circumstances: Some grants or scholarships can be awarded based on factors like being a first-generation college student, having a specific major, or other unique attributes.

Northeastern follows a need-based aid philosophy, meaning they strive to meet as much of a student's demonstrated financial need as possible. They take a holistic approach in evaluating both your financial situation and your academic achievements when determining your financial aid package. Once you've been accepted and submitted all required documents, Northeastern will send you a financial aid award letter detailing the grants, scholarships, work-study opportunities, and loans available to you.

Keep in mind that merit-based scholarships and need-based grants might not cover your entire cost of attendance. You should also look into external scholarships or grants to help supplement your financial aid package. Good luck with your application and the financial aid process!

9 months ago

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