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Ohio State financial aid advice?

Hey all, I'm looking into Ohio State and am wondering about their financial aid packages. Can anyone give me some insight on how their financial aid works or any advice on how to maximize the aid received? I'm hoping to make college as affordable as possible for my family. Thanks!

9 months ago

Ohio State does offer different types of financial aid, such as need-based aid, merit scholarships, and external scholarships. Here's a brief overview of what you can expect and some tips for maximizing your aid:

1. Fill out the FAFSA: This is the first and most important step to ensure that you're considered for need-based financial aid. Be sure to complete and submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by the Ohio State priority deadline (March 15th).

2. Net Price Calculator: Use Ohio State's Net Price Calculator to estimate your expected family contribution and the amount of grant aid you may receive. This will give you a general idea of what your family might pay out-of-pocket after taking financial aid into account.

3. Merit Scholarships: Ohio State offers multiple merit-based scholarships, such as the Morrill Scholarship Program and the Eminence Fellows Program. Be mindful of their deadlines and special application requirements. If you have a strong academic and extracurricular background, applying for these scholarships can significantly reduce your tuition cost.

4. Ohio State Need-Based Aid: On top of federal, state, and institutional grants, Ohio State also has need-based scholarships. These awards prioritize students who demonstrate significant financial need.

5. External Scholarships: In addition to the financial aid offered by Ohio State directly, keep an eye out for external scholarship opportunities. There are numerous scholarships from local, regional, and national organizations that you can apply for, which can help with the cost of your education.

6. Work-Study: Consider applying for a work-study position on campus. These part-time jobs will enable you to earn money to help offset your educational expenses, and they often have flexible hours that work around your class schedule.

7. Appealing your Financial Aid Decision: If your financial circumstances change or if you believe that there has been an error in your financial aid award, you can submit an appeal to Ohio State's financial aid office. They will review your request and determine if adjustments should be made to your package.

As you work your way through this process, remember that Ohio State's financial aid office can be a valuable resource, so don't hesitate to reach out with any questions. Good luck!

9 months ago

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