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Will colleges use AI detectors to identify plagiarism in our application essays?

Hey! I've heard some chatter about colleges potentially using AI detectors to scan application essays for plagiarism. I'm not planning to plagiarize, but I am a bit concerned about the technology giving false positives. Do you know if this is something we need to worry about, or is it just a rumor?

a year ago

Hello! It's a valid concern to have, especially with the ever-evolving technology used in the admissions process. Indeed, some colleges and universities may use AI-driven plagiarism detection tools to assess application essays for potential plagiarism. However, this isn't meant to cause panic or fear among applicants but to maintain a level playing field for every student applying to colleges.

A false positive might indeed occur, but it's rare. It's important to cite any direct quotes or ideas in your essay, and make sure it's original and true to your own voice. If you do that, you shouldn't run into any issues.

To further alleviate your concerns, you can use tools like Grammarly or Turnitin to check your work before submission, which are similar to what some colleges might use. This would give you an idea of how the AI detectors may flag your essay and allow you to address any potential concerns before submission.

Keep focusing on creating a genuine and well-written essay that reflects you and your experiences. Best of luck with your applications!

a year ago

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