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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Has anyone used a private college counselor?

Hey all, I'm a junior beginning the college application process, and I'm wondering if anyone has experience with private college counselors. Are they worth the investment? Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

a year ago

Hello! It's great that you're thinking about the college application process early. My child worked with a private college counselor during their application process, and I believe it was a good investment for us. They helped my child identify schools that were a good fit, brainstorm essay topics, and stay on track with deadlines.

However, I do think the level of support needed can vary widely between students. If you're organized, self-motivated, and have a good support network (teachers, friends, family), you might not need a private counselor. You can also find some great resources online, such as CollegeVine.

Ultimately, it really depends on your individual situation and whether you feel the added support would be valuable. If you're weighing the decision, consider reaching out to a few different counselors for a consultation to get a sense of what they offer and then decide if it's worth it for you. Good luck with your college search and applications!

a year ago

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