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How many HL courses for IB diploma?

Hi all, I'm considering the IB diploma program, but I'm not exactly sure how many HL courses I need to take. If anyone has insights on this or advice on choosing HL courses, please share! Thank you!

a year ago

Hey there! To earn the IB Diploma, you'll need to take a minimum of three Higher Level (HL) courses out of the six subjects you're required to study. Some students may choose to take four HL courses, if they feel confident in their abilities and want to challenge themselves more.

When selecting your HL courses, consider your interests and strengths. Are there any subjects you're particularly passionate about or excel in? Think about your post-high school goals as well, like potential college majors or career paths. Choosing HL courses related to those goals can be beneficial. Also, consult with your teachers or counselors for their recommendations.

Remember, HL courses usually require a higher level of commitment, as they are more rigorous than Standard Level (SL) courses. Good luck with your IB journey! For more information on the IB program, I suggest you check out this CollegeVine blog post:

a year ago

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