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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Do colleges care about how many times you take the SAT?

I've taken the SAT twice and I'm considering taking it a third time to try and raise my score. Will colleges look down on the fact that I've taken it multiple times? Or do they only really care about my best score?

a year ago

In general, colleges do not penalize students for taking the SAT multiple times. Most colleges focus on your highest score, as they understand that students may need a few attempts to reach their full potential. Many colleges use a process called 'superscoring,' which means they will take your highest score from each section of the test and combine them, regardless of the test date.

However, I would recommend not taking the SAT more than four times, as it may begin to raise questions about your ability to prepare effectively and show improvement. Keep in mind, standardized test scores are just one aspect of your application, and admissions officers will also closely consider your GPA, extracurricular activities, essays, and letters of recommendation. So, while improving your SAT score can definitely enhance your application, it's also essential to focus on the other parts as well.

In conclusion, taking the SAT a third time should not be a problem. Keep working hard and good luck on your upcoming test!

a year ago

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