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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How do I find colleges with good financial aid packages?

Hey guys! Affording college is an important factor for me and my family, and I'm looking for schools with generous financial aid packages. How can I research and find colleges that consistently offer good financial aid? Any help would be great! Thanks!

a year ago

Hello! It's great that you're considering financial aid as an important factor in your college search. To research colleges with good financial aid, you can start by looking up various colleges on the College Navigator website ( or the College Board's BigFuture site ( These websites provide comprehensive financial aid data for many institutions.

Another reliable resource is the CollegeVine platform, which can help you identify colleges based on your financial and academic needs. They provide personalized guidance as well as data on various institutions.

Remember to research merit-based and need-based aid opportunities at each college you're interested in. For example, many top-ranked colleges guarantee to meet 100% of their students' demonstrated financial need. This means they'll put together a financial aid package that covers the entire cost of attendance based on your Expected Family Contribution (EFC).

Good luck, and I hope you find the perfect college with a generous financial aid package!

a year ago

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