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a&m animal science degree plan

I'm super pumped about majoring in Animal Science at Texas A&M, but I'm still a bit unsure of what my class schedule might look like. Can anyone help me out with a general idea of what their Animal Science degree plan entails? Which classes should I take, and in what order? Any advice would be appreciated!

7 months ago

Congratulations on choosing to major in Animal Science at Texas A&M! I can definitely help provide you with a general overview of the Animal Science degree plan. Keep in mind that the specific courses you'll take might vary depending on your interests and any specializations you might choose.

In your first year, you'll likely focus on general education classes and a few introductory Animal Science courses. Some of these may include:

- General Chemistry

- Biology

- Mathematics (Calculus or Statistics)

- English Composition

- Agriculture or Animal Science Introduction

In your second year, you'll begin to build more specialized knowledge in Animal Science. Some second-year courses might include:

- Animal Nutrition

- Animal Reproduction

- Genetics

- Anatomy and Physiology

- Microbiology

Your third and fourth years will primarily consist of upper-level Animal Science courses that allow you to dive deeper into your interests. These classes could include:

- Livestock Production Systems

- Growth and Development

- Food Animal Products

- Behavioral and Welfare Science

- Animal Breeding and Genomics

- Equine Science

Throughout your degree, you should also consider taking electives that align with your interests or enhance your knowledge in related fields, like business, communications, or environmental science. Additionally, remember to check with your academic advisor as you progress, since they can help tailor your class schedule and guide you toward appropriate elective choices.

Keep in mind that Texas A&M may have specific requirements for Animal Science majors, so it's crucial to thoroughly review the course catalog and consult your academic advisor to make sure you're meeting all departmental and university requirements.

Lastly, don't forget to take advantage of internship or research opportunities! Gaining hands-on experience in the field can be invaluable for your career.

Good luck and Gig 'em!

7 months ago

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