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Cornell University Minimum GPA?

Hey everyone! I'm working on my college list, and Cornell is one of my dream schools. Can anyone tell me their minimum GPA requirements? Is it a strict requirement, or are there exceptions? Thanks a lot!

9 months ago

Hey there! Cornell University doesn't have an absolute minimum GPA requirement for applicants. However, they do have a highly competitive admissions process, and it's essential to have a strong GPA to increase your chances of getting accepted. Most successful applicants tend to have a high school GPA of 3.9 or above on an unweighted 4.0 scale. In addition, they typically have taken a rigorous course load, including AP or IB courses.

While a high GPA will undoubtedly make your application more competitive, Cornell, like most selective schools, practices a holistic admission review process. This means that they look at several aspects of your profile, including grades, extracurricular activities, recommendation letters, essays, and more. Occasionally, exceptional achievements in certain areas or unique circumstances can compensate for a lower GPA.

Remember, though, that each college within Cornell may have slightly different criteria, so if you have a specific college or major in mind at Cornell, it can be helpful to research what successful applicants for that program typically look like.

In summary, while there is no specific minimum GPA requirement to apply to Cornell, having a strong GPA, ideally 3.9 or above, can make your application stand out. However, your extracurriculars, essays, and other components of your application will also be crucial in the holistic review process. Good luck!

9 months ago

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