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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Pace University SAT requirements?

Hey everyone, I'm considering applying to Pace University in New York. Does anyone know their average SAT score range or if they've gone test-optional recently? Thanks in advance!

2 months ago

Hey! Pace University has indeed adopted a test-optional policy for undergraduate admissions. This means that you are not required to submit your SAT or ACT scores when applying. However, you can still submit your scores if you feel they will strengthen your application.

As for their average SAT scores, before going test-optional, Pace University's middle 50% SAT score range for admitted students was around 1140-1290. Keep in mind that these scores are just a guideline, and since Pace has moved to test-optional, the importance of test scores in their admissions process has been reduced.

Admissions decisions will be more focused on other factors like your academic performance in high school, extracurricular involvement, recommendations, and personal essays. Good luck with your application!

2 months ago

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