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Proper way to include name in essay format

What's the proper way to include my name in the format of a college application essay? Should I place it on the top left or somewhere else? Thanks in advance!

7 months ago

When formatting your college application essay, it's important to adhere to the guidelines provided by the college or use the standard MLA format if there are no specific instructions. Generally, you would want to include your name in the header of your essay, along with other important information. Here's a simple example:

1. In the top-left corner of the first page, include your full name, your high school, your guidance counselor, and the submission date (each on a separate line).

2. After the date, leave one line blank and then insert the title of your essay, centered on the page, and make sure to use standard capitalization rules.

3. Double-space your text, and begin the essay one line below the title.

In some cases, colleges may ask you to include your name and a specific identifier such as your Common App ID or social security number in the header on each page. In that case, create a right-justified header containing your last name, identifier, and the page number. Make sure to double-check the submission guidelines of the specific college you're applying to for any specific formatting requirements. Always follow their instructions to ensure your essay is properly formatted and presented.

7 months ago

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