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APES Practice Questions

Hey everyone! I'm getting ready for the AP Environmental Science exam and I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for solid practice questions or resources. I've been using my textbook, but I'd appreciate any additional sources if you know any. Thanks!

9 months ago

Hi there! Preparing for the AP Environmental Science exam can be challenging, but there are plenty of resources available to help you practice. Here are some suggestions for finding quality practice questions:

1. College Board AP Classroom: This platform provided by the College Board offers a variety of practice questions specifically designed for AP exam prep. You can access this resource through your AP student account and easily track your progress as you go.

2. This site offers a great selection of AP Environmental Science practice questions. Although the content is not free, they provide a thorough and interactive platform with detailed explanations for both correct and incorrect answers.

3. Khan Academy: They have a variety of resources for many AP subjects, including AP Environmental Science. You can find practice questions along with video lectures and other materials to help deepen your understanding of the subject.

4. Varsity Tutors' AP Environmental Science Quizzes: This resource offers free practice quizzes that help you review specific topics covered in the AP Environmental Science exam. You can use these quizzes to quickly assess your understanding of the material and identify areas where you may need more practice.

5. CollegeVine: They provide free resources to help students prepare for various exams, including AP tests. Along with their guidance and study advice, you can access blog posts that provide helpful tips and techniques for AP Environmental Science exam preparation.

Remember to practice with a mix of multiple-choice and free-response questions to get a well-rounded understanding of the exam format. Good luck with your studies and I hope you find these resources helpful!

9 months ago

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