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What are the available AP Art courses?

Hey guys! I'm thinking of taking an AP Art class next year, but I'm not quite sure what my options are. Can anyone give me a rundown of the different AP Art courses available? It'll help me decide which one fits me best!

9 months ago

Hi there! The College Board currently offers three AP Art courses that you can choose from, and each one focuses on different aspects of art. Here's a quick rundown of these courses:

1. AP Art History: This course dives into the global history of art, from ancient times to the contemporary era. You'll learn about different art movements, cultures, and artists throughout history. It covers visual arts, such as painting, sculpture, and architecture, as well as some aspects of the decorative arts. If you're interested in learning about the context and meaning behind various artworks, this might be the right course for you.

2. AP Studio Art: Drawing: This course is designed for students who want to develop their skills in drawing and mark-making. Over the year, you'll create a portfolio of work showcasing three main components: Quality, Concentration, and Breadth. The Quality section highlights your best pieces, while Concentration showcases a focused investigation of a particular theme or concept. Breadth demonstrates your ability to work with a variety of techniques, media, and subject matter. If your primary interest is in improving your drawing skills, this could be a great option.

3. AP Studio Art: 2-D or 3-D Design: These courses focus on the principles of design and the creative process. Like the Drawing course, you'll create a portfolio with sections for Quality, Concentration, and Breadth. In the 2-D Design course, you'll explore various design techniques in a two-dimensional space, such as graphic design, photography, printmaking, and collage. The 3-D Design course emphasizes three-dimensional design and may involve sculpture, ceramics, or other mixed media. If you enjoy working with design elements and experimenting with different media, one of these courses may suit your artistic interests.

It's important to consider your personal artistic interests and goals when deciding which AP Art course to take. Talk to your art teachers and school counselors to learn more about the specific curriculum and expectations for each course at your school. Good luck in your artistic journey!

9 months ago

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