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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Winthrop Football Team?

Hey there, I was wondering, does Winthrop University have a football team? I'm really into football and am considering applying there. Thanks for any info you can provide!

9 months ago

Hello! Winthrop University does not have a football team. They have a range of other sports teams, though, such as basketball, baseball, soccer, cross country, tennis, golf, lacrosse, track & field, volleyball, and softball. So while you wouldn't be able to participate in collegiate football at Winthrop, you would have a variety of other sports to choose from if you're interested in participating in athletics. If having a football team is important to you, it might be best to look into other universities that have a football program in addition to meeting your academic and location preferences. Good luck with your college search!

9 months ago

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