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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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SAT Registration Process

What's up everyone? I need to sign up for the SAT but I don't know where to go in order to register for it. Any advice is appreciated, thanks!

10 months ago

Hey there! Registering for the SAT is a pretty straightforward process, and I'll guide you through it step by step:

1. First, head over to the College Board's website ( and create an account if you don't already have one. This account will also be useful for sending your scores, viewing your scores, and accessing other College Board resources in the future.

2. Once logged in, click on "Register for the SAT" on the main dashboard. This will take you to a registration page with information about upcoming test dates, deadlines, and fees.

3. Before you start registering, make sure you have some necessary information handy: your Social Security number, a digital passport-sized photo, and any valid student IDs or fee waiver codes, if applicable.

4. To register for a specific test date, follow the prompts which will ask for your personal information, preferred test center, and any additional services or accommodations you may require.

5. After completing the required information, you will be prompted to pay the registration fee. The basic registration fee for the SAT is $60, but there may be additional fees for late registration or certain test center locations.

6. Once your payment is complete, you'll receive a registration confirmation email from the College Board. Be sure to double-check all the details and print out your SAT Admission Ticket, as you'll need it on test day. This will also have all the important information about your test date, test center location, and reporting time.

As a reminder, be aware of registration deadlines for your chosen test date, typically around a month before the test day. Make sure you register early to secure your preferred test center and avoid late fees. Good luck with your SAT preparation!

10 months ago

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