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ACT vs SAT Conversion

Anyone have tips for converting my ACT score to an SAT equivalent? I've heard there are few different methods for comparison. Curious to learn more!

9 months ago

There are a few different methods to convert your ACT score to an SAT equivalent, but one of the most commonly used and widely accepted methods is to refer to the concordance tables provided by the College Board and ACT organizations themselves. These tables are updated periodically to reflect recent changes in the tests, so they're usually a reliable source for conversion. Here's a brief explanation of how to use the concordance table:

1. Find your ACT composite score in the table. The table will usually have separate columns for ACT and SAT scores.

2. Once you've located your ACT composite score, look across the row to the corresponding SAT score.

For example, an ACT composite score of 30 usually correlates with an SAT total score of around 1360. Keep in mind that the conversion may not always be precise, especially from one application cycle or test administration to the next, and that individual sections' conversions may differ. Also, colleges might use their own methods for comparing scores. It's always good practice to check with the specific colleges you're interested in to understand how they compare SAT to ACT scores.

In addition to concordance tables, there are also online score conversion tools available that can help you convert your ACT score to an SAT equivalent. These can be especially convenient if you're looking for a quick estimate. Just remember that your converted score is an approximation, and it's best not to rely solely on it when evaluating your college prospects.

I hope this breakdown gives you a general sense of how to compare an SAT score to an ACT score!

9 months ago

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