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UNLV Athletic Training

I am really interested in athletic training and noticed that UNLV offers a program in it. Does anyone have any experience with the athletic training program at UNLV? How are the facilities, internships, and job prospects upon graduation?

9 months ago

I've heard some positive feedback about the athletic training program at UNLV. The program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE), which ensures that graduates are prepared for the Board of Certification (BOC) exam, necessary to become a certified athletic trainer.

As for the facilities, UNLV boasts a well-equipped athletic training lab, as well as collaboration with the sports medicine department. This allows students to work with various sports teams on campus and gain hands-on experience in real-world settings.

Regarding internships, UNLV has established relationships with local high schools, professional sports teams, and other organizations in the Las Vegas area. This provides students with a wide range of opportunities for internships during their time in the program. Be sure to network and be proactive in seeking out these opportunities to ensure you gain valuable experience.

Job prospects upon graduation can be promising, as UNLV's program prepares students to work in various settings, including high schools, colleges, professional sports, private clinics, and more. Networking and building connections during your time at UNLV, both with professionals in the field and with fellow students, can further enhance your job prospects after graduation. Additionally, staying current with industry trends and continuing your professional education will be essential in furthering your career in athletic training.

Overall, the program at UNLV appears to provide students with opportunities to succeed in the field of athletic training. Make sure you take advantage of the resources provided by the university, network with professionals, and engage with the curriculum to get the most out of your experience.

9 months ago

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