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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

How much does it cost to send SAT scores?

Hey guys, I'm almost done with my SAT registration, but I'm not sure about the cost of sending scores to colleges. Can anyone tell me how much it costs to send SAT scores, and is there a limit on how many schools you can send them to?

9 months ago

Hey! When sending your SAT scores, you'll receive four free score reports if you request them during the registration period or up to nine days after your test date. After that, each additional score report costs $14 per recipient.

There is no limit on the total number of schools you can send your scores to, but keep in mind that each one you send after the initial four free reports will accrue additional fees. However, if you're facing financial difficulties, you can apply for a fee waiver that can also cover the cost of sending additional score reports. Contact your high school counselor for more information about the fee waiver.

Many colleges now also allow you to self-report your test scores on your application, which can save you money, and only require you to send the official report if you are accepted and ultimately enroll. So, before sending any official score reports, make sure to double-check the schools' admissions requirements to see if they accept self-reported scores. Good luck with your SAT and college applications!

9 months ago

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