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How are National Merit Semifinalists chosen?

Hey guys, I'm a bit confused about the National Merit Scholarship Program. Can someone explain how the Semifinalists are chosen, and what the criteria are? I've heard it's based on PSAT scores - is that true? Thanks!

9 months ago

Hey there! You're correct that National Merit Semifinalists are chosen based on their PSAT scores. The PSAT/NMSQT (Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test) is used to determine whether a student qualifies as a Semifinalist.

The National Merit Semifinalist selection process is the same across the United States. Here's a brief overview of how it works:

1. Each year, about 1.5 million high school juniors take the PSAT/NMSQT, usually in October.

2. Following the test, the NMSC (National Merit Scholarship Corporation) uses a selection index, which is based on the sum of a student's scores in the three PSAT test sections – math, reading, and writing/language – and twice the sum of the verbal scores. The total selection index can range from 48 to 228.

3. The NMSC then determines a selection index cutoff for each state, which varies from state to state due to differences in student performance. These cutoffs are adjusted to allow for an equal distribution of Semifinalists across the U.S., proportionate to the state's percentage of graduating high school seniors.

4. Approximately 16,000 students with the highest selection index scores in their respective states are named National Merit Semifinalists, generally representing the top 1% of test-takers.

5. To become a National Merit Finalist, Semifinalists must submit a detailed scholarship application, which includes information about their academic record, extracurricular activities, demonstrated leadership, and an essay. In addition, they must be endorsed by a school official and have strong academic records throughout high school. Of these Semifinalists, around 15,000 become Finalists with a chance at receiving a National Merit Scholarship.

Keep in mind that the exact selection index cutoffs may change each year. However, looking at past years' cutoffs can give you a general idea of the score range you should aim for if you want to become a National Merit Semifinalist.

I hope this clears up the process for you! Good luck with your preparations and future testing!

9 months ago

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