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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Where is Cornell University located?

Hey guys! I was just looking into Cornell University, and I'm not exactly sure where it's located. Can someone help me out with the exact location and maybe even what the campus is like?

3 months ago

Cornell University is located in Ithaca, New York, which is a small college town in the Finger Lakes region of upstate New York. The campus is nestled among the surrounding hills and gorges, providing picturesque scenery and numerous natural attractions.

The main campus is expansive, covering more than 2,000 acres, and offers a diverse mix of architectural styles. There are both modern buildings such as the Gates Hall, home to the Department of Computing and Information Science, and historic structures like the iconic clock tower, McGraw Tower. Cornell is known for its beautiful campus setting and is often considered one of the most scenic college campuses in the United States.

The university has a strong connection with nature, boasting the extensive Cornell Botanic Gardens on-site, which include the F.R. Newman Arboretum, natural areas, and various gardens. Due to its location, students can also enjoy outdoor activities, such as hiking and swimming in the nearby gorges, walking trails along the Cascadilla and Fall Creek Gorges, and visiting the adjacent Cayuga Lake.

In terms of campus life, Ithaca is a lively and pedestrian-friendly town, featuring an array of shops, restaurants, and cultural events that cater to both the college community and local residents. While it does experience cold winters with significant snowfall, the natural beauty, tight-knit community, and rich array of activities make Cornell an attractive place to study.

3 months ago

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