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What soccer division does the University of New Haven belong to?

Hey, I'm a soccer player hoping to continue playing in college. Can someone let me know which division the University of New Haven's soccer team belongs to? And how competitive is the team?

8 months ago

The University of New Haven's men's and women's soccer teams both compete in NCAA Division II. They are part of the Northeast-10 Conference (NE10), which consists of various colleges and universities located in the northeastern United States.

In terms of competitiveness, the performance of a team can vary from year to year based on recruiting, coaching, and other factors. To get a sense of the team's recent performance, you may want to check out their win-loss records and standings within the conference for the past few seasons on the University of New Haven's athletics website. Additionally, reaching out to current or former players could provide some useful insights into the team's competitiveness and the overall experience of being a student-athlete at the University of New Haven. Good luck with your college search and soccer endeavors!

8 months ago

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