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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Searching for research universities with a liberal arts vibe?

Hey there! I've been looking at different universities and I came across some research universities that are also known for having a liberal arts feel on campus. Can you guys suggest some schools that fit this description? I'm really interested in the unique blend of opportunities and environment they offer. Thanks!

a year ago

Hello! I completely understand your interest in finding universities with a liberal arts feel alongside a research setting. These types of schools can provide a well-rounded education along with opportunities for research and other experiences. A few universities I'd recommend you look into are:

1. Brown University - Known for its open curriculum and strong research programs, Brown fosters a collaborative and interdisciplinary learning environment.

2. Dartmouth College - Although it's an Ivy League university, Dartmouth still retains a tight-knit liberal arts college vibe and focus on undergraduate teaching.

3. Rice University – This smaller research university in Houston, Texas, has a strong liberal arts foundation. Rice is known for its collaborative culture and beautiful campus.

4. University of Rochester - Another smaller research university, it has a flexible, interdisciplinary curriculum similar to Brown. Collaboration and a focus on undergraduate teaching make it a liberal arts-like environment.

I hope this helps you in your search! Best of luck.

a year ago

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