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NC A&T Application Requirements?

Hello everyone, I'm a high school junior interested in North Carolina A&T State University. Can someone fill me in on what the application requirements are, like necessary GPA, test scores, and other factors? Thank you!

8 months ago

Hi there! North Carolina A&T State University is a great choice, and I'm happy to help you understand the application requirements. While requirements can change from year to year, I'll provide you with a general idea for your application to NC A&T.

1. GPA: For fall 2021, NC A&T reported that the average high school GPA for admitted freshmen was around 3.61. While there isn't a strict minimum, having a competitive GPA will strengthen your application.

2. Test Scores: NC A&T is test-optional for the 2023-2024 application cycle. This means you are not required to submit SAT or ACT scores but can still do so if you feel it will strengthen your application. If you choose to submit test scores, the middle 50% range for admitted students in fall 2021 was 950-1100 on the SAT and 18-22 on the ACT.

3. High School Coursework: NC A&T expects you to have completed a college preparatory curriculum, which includes four units of English, four units of math (including Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, and a higher math class), three units of science (including a life/earth science and a physical science), two units of social studies (including U.S. History), and two units of a foreign language.

4. Extracurriculars: Like most universities, NC A&T evaluates your involvement in extracurricular activities, as this reflects your interests and commitment. While there's no specific requirement, showcasing your community involvement, leadership, or achievements in one or more areas can strengthen your application.

5. Application Materials: You'll need to submit the online application form, your high school transcript, and a $50 application fee. Additionally, you'll be asked to provide a personal statement (usually around 500 words), in which you have the opportunity to share your background, experiences, and aspirations.

Remember that admissions officers look at your application holistically, so it's important to showcase your strengths in all areas. To improve your chances of acceptance, strive to have strong academics, extracurricular achievements, and a compelling personal statement.

Good luck with your application to NC A&T!

8 months ago

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