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Information on Towson's Sports Management program?

Hey everyone! I'm thinking about applying to Towson University and I'm really interested in their Sports Management program. Does anyone have any information on the program's quality or what the experience is like? Any insight would be greatly appreciated!

8 months ago

Hey! Towson University's Sports Management program is housed under the College of Business and Economics. It's known for providing students with a well-rounded education that combines business principles with the specific needs and nuances of the sports industry. Some of the courses you might take within the program include Sports Marketing, Sports Law, Sports Economics, and Facility Management.

A unique aspect of Towson's Sports Management program is their emphasis on practical experience. Students are encouraged to complete internships and gain hands-on experience within the sports industry—many students secure internships with organizations like the Baltimore Ravens, Under Armour, and local sports marketing agencies. Participating in internships can not only help you build your resume, but also provide invaluable connections and experience that will benefit you when looking for a job in the industry after graduation.

Towson University also has a Sports Management Club where students connect with peers who have similar interests, discuss industry trends, and engage with guest speakers from various sports organizations. Joining this club can be a great way to network with potential employers and learn about new opportunities in the field.

Overall, Towson's Sports Management program is known for providing a strong foundation in business concepts while focusing on the specific needs of the sports industry. The program's emphasis on internships and real-world experience can help prepare you to hit the ground running in your career after graduation. If you're passionate about sports and want to learn the business side of it, Towson's program might be an excellent fit!

8 months ago

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