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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Where can I find my SAT score?

I took the SAT a while ago and can't seem to find where to check my scores. Does anyone know where I can find my SAT scores online, and how long does it usually take for them to become available after the test?

8 months ago

You can find your SAT scores online by logging into your College Board account. If you don't already have an account, you can create one on the College Board website ( Once you've logged in, navigate to the "My SAT" section, where you'll find your scores, as well as details about your test date and any upcoming tests you might have registered for.

SAT scores are usually released about 13 days after the test date for multiple-choice scores and 15 days for the Essay scores if you took the Essay portion. Keep in mind that if you took the test on a weekend or a holiday, it might take a bit longer for your scores to become available. Be sure to check your email as well since the College Board typically sends out notifications once your scores are ready.

If it's taking longer than expected for your scores to become available, it could be due to a variety of reasons such as additional review time or irregularities during testing. In such cases, you should contact the College Board directly for assistance regarding your scores.

8 months ago

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