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How can I showcase my passion for filmmaking in my college application?

Hi! I'm really passionate about filmmaking and want to major in film production. What are some ways I can showcase my passion in my college applications? Should I submit a portfolio, even if it's not required?

a year ago

Hi there! It's great that you're passionate about filmmaking and plan to pursue film production in college. Showcasing your passion in your applications can definitely make a difference.

One way to highlight your passion is through your extracurricular activities and achievements related to filmmaking. For instance, you can mention your involvement in film clubs, school projects, or any film-related competitions. If you have created your own films or participated in projects as a cast or crew member, make sure to emphasize that as well.

In your personal essay, you can also share your filmmaking journey and how it has shaped your goals and aspirations. This will allow the admissions officer to learn about you and your dedication to film production.

As for your portfolio, if the colleges you're applying to accept supplementary materials, I would encourage you to submit a portfolio even if it's not mandatory. It gives the admissions officers an opportunity to see your work and creativity firsthand.

Good luck with your applications, and I hope you get into your dream college!

a year ago

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