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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's a good class rank to aim for if I want to get into an Ivy League?

Hey everyone, I'm currently ranked #6 in my class of 400, and I've been wondering what kind of class rank would be considered competitive for an Ivy League school. Do I stand a good chance with my current rank, or should I work on getting it higher? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hi there! Your current class rank of #6 out of 400 is quite impressive. While there isn't a specific class rank that guarantees admission into an Ivy League institution, being in the top 10% is a good general benchmark to aim for. It seems like you're already there, so that's great news!

However, keep in mind that class rank is just one part of your overall application. Ivy League schools review each potential candidate holistically, considering factors such as standardized test scores, extracurricular activities, leadership experiences, and personal essays. Doing well in all of these areas can help increase your chances of getting accepted.

Instead of focusing solely on improving your class rank, consider dedicating time to strengthening other components of your application. For example, ensure you're actively participating in extracurricular activities and developing leadership potential in those areas. Also, focus on writing an exceptional personal essay that showcases your unique qualities, as well as setting aside time to prep for standardized tests if needed.

Keep up the great work, and best of luck on your college applications!

a year ago

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