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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Where exactly is Virginia Tech located?

I'm considering applying to Virginia Tech, but I'm not sure about the surrounding area. What city is the campus located in, and what's the environment like? Are there any nearby attractions or things to do outside of campus?

2 months ago

Virginia Tech, officially known as the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, is located in Blacksburg, Virginia. Blacksburg is a small college town nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains in the southwestern part of the state. The town is approximately 270 miles southwest of Washington, D.C., and offers a beautiful setting with easy access to outdoor recreational activities.

The environment of Blacksburg is charming and friendly, largely due to its connection to the university. The town offers a mix of students, faculty, and local residents, which gives it a vibrant, youthful vibe. The area surrounding the campus is walkable, with plenty of local restaurants, shops, and other amenities catering to the student population.

In terms of attractions and things to do outside of campus, Blacksburg itself has a variety of local events and festivals, such as the Blacksburg Brew Do, and numerous parks, like the Huckleberry Trail, for outdoor activities. The nearby New River Valley offers ample opportunities for hiking, biking, fishing, and canoeing, exploring the Blue Ridge Mountains or the Appalachian Trail.

Additionally, the nearby town of Roanoke is about 45 minutes away and offers even more in terms of shopping, dining, and entertainment options. Overall, the location of Virginia Tech provides an excellent balance between a close-knit college-town environment and access to nature and outdoor recreation.

2 months ago

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