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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Where does Columbia International University rank in terms of international universities?

Hello! I'm researching colleges and just came across Columbia International University. How does it rank compared to other international universities? Is it a top-tier institution or more of a mid-tier one?

8 months ago

Columbia International University (CIU) is a small, private Christian institution located in South Carolina, USA. It's important to mention that it is different from Columbia University, an Ivy League institution in New York City. CIU primarily focuses on providing education with a Christian worldview, offering undergraduate and graduate programs in areas such as theology, ministry, education, and more.

When it comes to ranking among other international universities, CIU isn't considered a top-tier institution. Its niche lies in its emphasis on Christian-based education, and it caters to students interested in pursuing careers in religious fields or incorporating their faith into their professional lives. Because of this specific focus, it doesn't rank highly when compared to top-tier international universities known for comprehensive academic offerings and research capabilities.

Your choice of university should align with your academic interests, career goals, and personal values. If you're seeking a Christian education with a spiritual emphasis, CIU may be an excellent fit. However, if you're looking for a top-tier institution with a broader range of academic programs and research opportunities, you may want to explore other options, such as Ivy League universities or other renowned institutions around the world.

8 months ago

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