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SUNY Geneseo Admissions Advice?

Hey everyone! I'm planning on applying to SUNY Geneseo and was wondering if anyone had any advice on the admissions process. What do they look for in applicants? What can I do to improve my chances of getting accepted? Thanks!

8 months ago

Hello! SUNY Geneseo is a competitive public liberal arts college, and the admissions process takes into account a variety of factors. Let me break down some key aspects for you:

1. Academics: Geneseo focuses on the rigor of your coursework and your performance in high school. Make sure to challenge yourself with your course selections, and aim to maintain a competitive GPA. AP/IB courses are valued, so don't shy away from taking them if they are available at your school.

2. Test scores: SUNY Geneseo is test-optional, but if you feel that your SAT or ACT scores are strong and reflect your academic abilities, consider including them in your application. This can help bolster your overall academic profile.

3. Extracurricular activities: Be sure to highlight your involvement in activities outside of the classroom. Geneseo appreciates students with diverse interests who can contribute to the campus community. Focus on your most significant involvements and demonstrate your dedication, leadership skills, and impact.

4. Essays: The personal statement is a crucial aspect of your application. Craft a unique and well-written essay that tells a story about your experiences, qualities or values not evident from the rest of your application. Be genuine, authentic, and reflective.

5. Letters of recommendation: Request recommendations from teachers who know you well and can speak to your strengths both in and out of the classroom. Provide them with a brag sheet to help them contextualize your accomplishments and their experience with you.

To improve your chances at SUNY Geneseo, focus on your academics and maintaining a strong GPA. Next, actively participate in meaningful extracurricular activities that align with your interests, and consider taking on leadership roles. Finally, invest time and effort in crafting a compelling personal essay, and secure strong letters of recommendation to support your application.

Remember that applying Early Action may also boost your chances of admission, as it demonstrates your interest in the school.

Best of luck with your application to SUNY Geneseo!

8 months ago

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