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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's the average GPA for accepted students at Brandeis?

I'm thinking of applying to Brandeis University and would like to know the average GPA of accepted students. Knowing this would help me gauge my chances of getting in. Any insights would be appreciated!

8 months ago

Accepted students at Brandeis University generally have competitive GPAs, showcasing their strong academic performance in high school. While the average GPA of accepted students tends to fluctuate slightly each year, a good benchmark to keep in mind is around 4.0 (weighted), which has been reported in previous years.

This being said, don't forget that admissions decisions aren't solely based on GPA but also take into consideration factors such as course rigor, standardized test scores (if submitted), extracurricular involvement, essays, and more. As a result, it's important to create a well-rounded application that reflects your capabilities and interests beyond just your GPA.

Additionally, always remember that GPA averages are just that – averages. Students with GPAs slightly below the average may still gain admission to Brandeis by having exceptional profiles in other aspects of the application.

It's a good idea to make sure you're taking a challenging course load, engaging in meaningful extracurriculars, and honing your writing skills for your college essays to maximize your chances of admission to Brandeis. Good luck!

8 months ago

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