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What's the best way to send SAT scores to colleges?

So, I took the SAT recently and I'm trying to figure out how exactly I should send my scores to the colleges I'm applying to. Like, does College Board handle everything, or do I need to do something specific? Any tips would be appreciated!

9 months ago

To send your SAT scores to colleges, you need to go through the College Board website, which is the organization responsible for administering the SAT. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to send your scores:

1. Log in to your College Board account where you can access your SAT scores.

2. Once you've logged in, click on "My SAT" from the dashboard, which will take you to your SAT score report.

3. On the score report page, you will see an option to "Send Scores" – click on that button.

4. The next step is to look up the colleges you want to send your scores to. You can search for colleges by name, city, or state, as well as by College Board code if you know it. Once you've found a college, add it to your selected recipients list. You can send your scores to as many colleges as you want, but be aware that there may be a fee for each additional college beyond the four free score reports offered.

5. Verify your score recipients and select which SAT scores (from different test dates) you want to send. Some colleges allow score choice, which allows you to pick the scores you feel best represent you, while others require you to send all scores from all test dates. Check each college's specific policy on their admissions website.

6. Proceed to the payment section, if applicable, and pay the fees. You'll be charged according to the number of colleges you're sending your scores to and the number of tests you’re sending.

7. Review and confirm your order. Make sure all the information is correct before you submit your request.

It's important to note the deadlines for sending your SAT scores, which vary according to each college's application deadline. It takes about 10 days for your scores to be received by the college after you've submitted your request, so make sure you allow enough time for the scores to reach the colleges you're applying to.

Another thing to consider is that many colleges now allow self-reported test scores on your application, meaning you can simply enter the scores yourself on the application form. However, if you get accepted and decide to enroll, you'll then have to send the official score report from College Board for verification. Check the specific policies for the colleges you're applying to in order to see if they accept self-reported scores.

9 months ago

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