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SAT: 720 math
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Loyola Marymount University Diversity?

Hi everyone! I'm considering applying to Loyola Marymount University, and I'm curious about the campus diversity. What's the general campus climate and diversity like at LMU?

8 months ago

Loyola Marymount University is known for its commitment to diversity and inclusion, as the school values and promotes an environment that fosters understanding and respect for people coming from different backgrounds. LMU's student body includes individuals from various ethnicities, races, religions, and socio-economic backgrounds.

In terms of ethnicity, LMU's undergraduate population is approximately 30% Hispanic/Latino, 45% White, 7% Asian, 4% Black, and the remaining percentage comprises international students and students from other ethnic backgrounds. This represents a fairly diverse mix of students. Additionally, LMU regularly hosts events, workshops, and programs to encourage conversations about diversity and inclusion on campus.

The campus climate at LMU is generally considered friendly and welcoming. Various student clubs and organizations also cater to different interests, ethnic and religious groups, and social issues. Some examples include the Black Student Union (BSU), Asian Pacific Student Services (APSS), Jewish Student Life, and the Latino Student Union (LSU). These organizations provide a supportive space for students to connect with others who share similar backgrounds and experiences.

Overall, LMU strives to create an inclusive community where all students are welcome and can engage in meaningful dialogue while learning from each other's perspectives. Keep in mind that individual experiences may vary, but the university's dedication to providing an inclusive environment is evident in its diverse student body and the resources it offers.

8 months ago

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