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Cal Poly mechanical engineering acceptance rate

I've been researching Cal Poly's mechanical engineering program but can't find concrete info on the acceptance rate. Could someone please help me out?

6 months ago

While Cal Poly does not publish specific acceptance rates for its individual programs, I can give you some general information that could help you get a better understanding of the competitive nature of Cal Poly's mechanical engineering program.

Cal Poly as a whole is considered a selective institution, with an overall acceptance rate of around 30%. Mechanical engineering is one of the most popular and competitive majors at Cal Poly. It is not uncommon for engineering programs to have lower acceptance rates than the overall university rate due to the high demand and limited spots available.

Admissions to the mechanical engineering program, like most engineering programs, will evaluate your overall academic performance, particularly in STEM-focused courses such as math and sciences. It's essential to have a strong academic record in these areas to increase your chances of being admitted to Cal Poly's mechanical engineering program.

Additionally, make sure you meet the subject requirements for the engineering major, which include taking the required courses in high school, such as math, lab sciences, and physics.

While it's difficult to pinpoint the exact acceptance rate of Cal Poly's mechanical engineering program, it's safe to say that acceptance into the program is competitive. To strengthen your chances of admission, focus on maintaining a strong GPA, gaining relevant extracurricular experience, and presenting a well-rounded application that highlights your passion and aptitude for mechanical engineering.

6 months ago

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