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What degrees does IWU offer?

Hey everyone, I'm looking into applying to Indiana Wesleyan University (IWU), but I'm not sure what degrees they offer. Can anyone give me a brief overview of the programs available at IWU? Thanks in advance!

6 months ago

Hi there! Indiana Wesleyan University (IWU) offers a wide range of degree programs across various disciplines. Here's a brief overview:

1. Division of Arts & Sciences - This division includes degree programs in areas such as Art, Biology, Chemistry, Communication, History, Mathematics, Social Sciences, and Theatre. They offer undergraduate, graduate, and pre-professional programs.

2. School of Nursing - IWU has a reputable nursing program that offers Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), RN-to-BSN, and LPN-to-BSN, as well as Master's and Doctoral programs.

3. School of Health Sciences - This school offers undergraduate and graduate programs in areas like Athletic Training, Exercise Science, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Public Health.

4. School of Business - Programs in this school include Accounting, Business Administration, Computer Information Systems, and Marketing. They offer undergraduate and graduate programs, such as the MBA.

5. John Wesley Honors College - This is an honors program for high-achieving students that emphasizes liberal arts education through interdisciplinary courses and a focus on academic excellence, service, and spiritual formation.

6. Division of Liberal Arts - This division offers general education courses for all IWU students, emphasizing a well-rounded liberal arts foundation.

7. School of Teacher Education - For those looking into a career in education, IWU offers undergraduate programs in Elementary Education, Secondary Education, and Special Education, as well as graduate programs such as the Master of Education (M.Ed.).

8. Division of Music - IWU's music division offers programs in Music Education, Music Therapy, Music Composition, and various performance majors like Instrumental Music, Voice, and Keyboard.

9. School of Social Work - They offer a Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) program and a Council of Social Work Education (CSWE)-accredited hybrid Master of Social Work (MSW) program.

10. School of Theology & Ministry - This school offers undergraduate, graduate, and seminary programs in areas such as Biblical Studies, Pastoral Studies, and Youth Ministry.

These are just an overview of the many programs offered at Indiana Wesleyan University. You can check the university's website for a comprehensive list of degrees, along with more detailed information about specific programs. Good luck with your college search!

6 months ago

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