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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Demographics at Southern Illinois University?

Hi all! I'm considering applying to Southern Illinois University but want to understand its student demographics better. What's the racial and ethnic breakdown of the students there? Are there any prevalent international communities on campus?

8 months ago

Hello! Southern Illinois University Carbondale (SIUC) has a diverse student body, and it's great that you're taking student demographics into consideration. According to the most recent data, the racial and ethnic breakdown of undergraduate students at SIUC is as follows:

- White: 52.2%

- Black/African American: 22.5%

- Hispanic/Latino: 9.9%

- Asian: 2.1%

- Two or more races: 6.0%

- Non-resident aliens (international students): 3.9%

- Unknown: 3.4%

Regarding the presence of international communities on campus, SIUC has students from more than 100 countries. Some of the more prevalent international student populations come from China, India, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, and Nigeria, among other countries. To support these students, SIUC offers various resources and programs through the Center for International Education and also has a variety of cultural and global student organizations like the International Student Council and the Chinese Student and Scholar Association.

By surrounding yourself with a diverse student body, you can gain new perspectives and have meaningful cultural exchanges, which can enrich your college experience. Good luck with your college search!

8 months ago

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